Wheew, after a few days of reading news about the bike lanes for Cebu, I am still not over it.
After reading the ordinance (well at least the proposed ordinance before it was passed, I don't think much has changed) I can see some red flags.
On SECTION 5. Rights, Duties and Obligations of Bikers/Cyclist
e.) To keep one hand on the handlebar at all times;
- Really? Why? It will now be illegal for a cyclist to keep his/her hands free for a while? We keep our hands away from the handlebar not to do exhibitions or stunts contrary to what non cyclist perceive it to be. We do that to relax our hands and shoulders. All cyclist do this.
h) To procure the necessary biker’s permit, bike license plate and registration in accordance with existing laws and regulations, such as City Ordinance No. 801, as amended, otherwise known as “An Ordinance Establishing a Traffic Code for the City of Cebu”; and
- this really irked me. Seriously? I said it before in my previous post, this is just a scheme to milk money. Serves no other purpose. Bike lanes yes, registration and biker's permit - hell NO! I have been cycling around the city and outside the city. Nobody bothered about biker's permit and certainly no bike registrations. We get along well, why need this now? Not to mention, this will potentially damage or bicycles. Or just make our bikes look ugly, when we work hard to make it beautiful. Also, this will discourage would be potential bike commuters.
On SECTION 7. Prohibited Acts. The following are prohibited acts:
g) No biker shall do any exhibitions and stunts on the Tindak Sugbo Lanes, such as riding on the handlebars and “step nut” riding and the likes.
- I also find this disturbing. Because what non cyclist perceive as stunts are not stunts for cyclist.
Yes, riding on handlebars and step nut riding are stunts, but what about the "likes"? This is a concern.
Riding with my hands free from the handlebar can be considered a stunt to non cyclist, when in fact we are just relaxing our shoulders and hands. Riding while standing on the pedals can be considered a stunt when again we are just trying to relax our glutes and legs.
Under section 4, CITOM will be implementing this ordinance. Well, I do hope they implement first the traffic rules, the very basic traffic laws that are continuously violated in front of their enforcers. Like overtaking on solid yellow line, motorcycles, jeepneys, taxis and some private cars counterflowing traffic on the opposite lane so as to be ahead of others on his lane. And even jaywalkers, they seem to be so tolerable with jaywalkers.
Now with this new ordinance, they will start to police cyclist who do not have both hands on the handle bar, seriously?
While I am happy that Cebu is embracing bicycle commuting, I do hope that people responsible for this can implement this properly.
I am for bike lanes in Cebu, but now is not the time. Certain issues on road and traffic needs to be addressed first.
You can read the full article of the Tindak Sugbo Ordinance here.
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