Thursday, June 19, 2014

Strike! Bike Lanes anyone?

Earlier today, Public Transports were on strike. They are protesting for the higher penalties going to be imposed for traffic violations. If they do not want to be fined, then respect traffic rules and observe road courtesy! The problem is, most if not all public transport drivers, have complete and utter disregard for traffic rules. They think they own the road and that it was built for their use only. Most drivers are the same, always wanting to be ahead of others hence the lack of road courtesy and chaotic roads.

If you ask me, it is about time to impose higher penalties for moving violations. One cannot fathom why they complain about higher penalties, with the matching cries of "we earn so little in a day". What has earnings in a day got to do with higher penalties if you can follow traffic rules? Unless you really plan to disobey and disregard traffic laws every time, then that is the problem.

I was reading some discussions in a local bicycle forum about implementing bike lanes in Cebu City. The discussions were very informative and sometimes passionate. It is interesting to know that most local cyclist are not in tune with the situation and condition of pedaling in the city. Surprised that in a way we do not share the same vision or logic of thinking.

From the discussion, I have gathered some of the contentions about the need for bicycle lanes in the City (mostly are against it).
1. The most common contention was, the roads in the city are already too narrow for the motorist, adding bike lanes will only worsen it.
2.  Second most common concern is, we need to fix the roads and address heavy traffic first before looking into bike lanes.
3. Roads are already congested, bike lanes will just be used by the motorists and in turn putting in harms way the cyclists.
4. The city has other priorities than bike lanes.

First of all, what we lack is discipline and road courtesy. If only drivers can respect everyone on the road, that is:
a. Avoid swerving from one lane to the other and cutting everyone just to be ahead of others,
b. Respect pedestrians, cyclist and other persons using the road.
c. Dimming the lights instead of using high beams during night driving.
d. Use of turn signals (signal lights) when turning left or right.
e. Motorcycles to follow the proper lanes and stop thinking they are Superman.
f. Follow and drive inside the lanes, and giving way to others instead of cutting them.

Then we already solved the traffic woes. Because as observed, the main reason for road congestion and slow moving traffic is the utter lack of road courtesy and discipline. It will not matter if roads are narrow or wide, as long as we learn to follow rules and have due courtesy, we will have better road traffic. We can then incorporate bike lanes to make sure bikes are safe from the motorists. When everyone has road discipline and courtesy, and if everyone will drop the crap mentality of always wanting to be ahead of others, no motorists will be using the bike lane. The roads will be more civilized, traffic will be orderly. No need to worry about expensive fines and higher penalties.

The City should prioritize bike lanes as it will be a win win solution for the citizens regardless if you are a motorists or not. It can actually make for a more beautiful city, a city promoting green and alternative transport.

i. Bike lanes will encourage more people to commute by bicycle.
ii. The more bike commuters, the lesser carbon footprint.
iii. Commuting by bicycle will improve one's health, and save you money (Money for gas or fare)
iv. Eventually as more and more people will turn to bike commuting, there will be lesser air pollution and even less noise pollution too.
v. As a lot of people commute by public transport, whenever there are transport strike, commuters will not be bothered since they can use their bike safely on the bike lanes to commute to work or school.
vi. And if some of the motorist will switch to bike commuting, there will be lesser cars on the road and lesser road congestion. A more free flowing traffic!

So I cannot fathom why a lot of the local cyclist (from the bike forum that is) do not buy the idea of bike lanes and that it is more important to prioritize the solution for traffic woes and narrow roads. It is just pointless. We need to encourage cycling and educate everyone to share the road. That is the solution to the traffic woes and congested roads.

The city and its traffic enforcers need to really enforce the traffic laws and penalize drivers committing moving violations. Penalties should be expensive, it is only fit to discipline violators. Educate the public and the drivers, especially those in the public transport sector. Drivers needs to be disciplined and instill a culture of respect and courtesy. These goes to all, as pedestrians too do not know basic traffic rules.

I remember when I was in grade school, we were taught basic traffic rules and road courtesy. I wonder if this is still being taught. If not, then this should be added back to the curriculum as this is basic and everyone should be educated. All of us use the roads anyway, it is a no-brainer not to teach this in grade school.

Everyone is accountable and responsible for an orderly traffic and better roads. We need to change our mind sets. This starts from each of us. Educate the drivers and the public, instill a culture of respect and practice road courtesy, obey traffic laws and most importantly...Share the road!

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