Sunday, February 23, 2014

Leg stretch

Went for a spin last night on my beloved mountain bike with my biking buddy. We have a passion for pedaling and every time we have a chance, we go grab our gear and go for a spin.

Riding a bicycle on the city streets is a very different experience than on the mountain trails where we are so used to. It is even a more unique experience riding on nighttime where there are lots of glaring headlights, potholes, manholes and dark alleys. Yet all these are what makes night ride a different kind of fun and euphoria on your bicycle.

As my biking buddy and I have a passion for pedaling so do we love eating pizza at our favorite cafe. So by home stretch we stop for a hot freshly baked homemade special recipe pizza and below zero refreshing beer at their main branch just along Gorordo avenue. Perfect carbo loading after a sweaty spin around the city. In my opinion this is the best tasting thin crust pizza out there.

Why we love this joint is not only for their pizza and their support for local art and artist, but their support for a livable and sustainable Cebu. They have a bicycle rack for cyclist to park their wheels. This is why this stand out for me and my buddy, not only for their great pizza but for supporting alternative transport. And we being cyclist are advocates of alternative transport.

Local government should support and encourage alternative transport,
most specifically bicycles. To start, establishments should put bike racks to encourage more bicycle commuters. Better yet, it should be a requirement for all buildings and establishments to have one. Bicycles are easy to operate, has zero emissions and fun to ride with. Although it will still take years to have the buy in from everyone, but it is a start. Heck it will take more time for bikers to gain the respect on the roads from pedestrians and motorists.

For me and my bike buddy, we will continue to pedal the streets of Cebu (and drink more beers). Hoping that in our little way we are promoting for a more sustainable and livable city. Encouraging more to ride bicycles, appreciate the outdoors and reduce our carbon footprint. And someday we will see the change that we are advocating.

Keep pedaling! Cheers.

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